Shenandoah Valley Tuesday Produce Auction | Produce Market Reports |

2022-07-22 19:47:19 By : Mr. Future Lee

Dayton, Va.June 21, 2022Report Supplied by Auction

Beets: 1.25-1.75 bunch, 13.00-27.50 1/2-bu.

Broccoli: 4.00-6.50 1/2-bu, 9.00-10.00 1-1/9-bu.

Cabbage: 1.30-1.50 head, 9.00-10.00 box.

Cucumbers: Slicing: 4.50-42.50 1/2-bu; Pickling: 12.00-15.00 1/2-bu. #2: 8.00-15.00.

Onions: 10.00 1/2-bu, 1.00-1.50 bunch, 7.00-16.00 10-lb bag; Shipped In: 8.00-12.00.

Peaches: 9.00-12.00 bu, 12.00-25.00 1/2-bu.

Cantaloupe (shipped in): Large: 2.30-3.50.

Seedless Watermelons: Small: 3.00. Shipped In: Lge/Med: 6.25; Small: 3.50-4.75.

Squash: Variety: 3.00 1/2-bu; Yellow: 12.00-23.00 1/2-bu.

Tomatoes: Large: 30.00-47.50 10 lbs. Medium: 27.00-36.00 10 lbs. Small: 10.00-32.50 10 lbs. #2: 22.00-36.00 10 lbs, 9.00-40.00 20 lbs. Heirlooms: #1: 10.00-14.00 10 lbs. Yellow: 40.00 10 lbs.

Million Bells: 3.00-6.50 10” hb, 6.00 12” hb.

Flowers: 0.10-4.50 4” pot, 0.30-2.00 6” pot, 32.50 misc planter, 4.00-14.00 misc pot; Arrangements: 10.00-25.00.

Perennials: 2.00-3.00 3 qt-1 gal pot, 4.00-4.50 misc.

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